About improv
Improv (also known as impro) is short for improvisation. It’s spontaneous ensemble theatre. It is an art form where the performers make up the theatre, usually comedy on the spot.
While improvisation develops your self-creation, self-discovery and self-expression, ultimately improv is about connection. Every person has a basic human need to be connected to something bigger than themselves. Improvisation meets this need as people are able to work together to achieve something they could never create by themselves.
Improvisation forces you to be in the present moment so it frees you from the chains of the past. But unlike a meditation where you become present with yourself, in improv you become present in the moment with another person. So it’s an active form of mindfulness. You are fully connected in the moment with another human being and it feels liberating.
Connection lies at the heart of spirituality – whether it’s a connection to a higher being, nature, the universe or in improv, to your scene partner. This is why for some people, studying the art of improvisation is their spiritual practice.
And perhaps most importantly, improv is a fun way of traveling on the journey to self-actualisation. Laughter and friendship are just two of the natural by-products of studying the art of improvisation.